Sam Shine Foundation


Edge of Appalachia

Preserving 1,000 acres of TNC wilderness for a trail project within in the Edge of Appalachia (EOA) Preserve System – The Charles A. Eulett Wilderness Preserve Trail. This preserve is located in West Union, Ohio. Natural habitats range from rare limestone glades to deep woodlands.

Protected acreage in this conservation area is 4400 acres.


Headwater Forests

Located within the St. Croix Watershed, following along Monument Brook and the Canada border. The 4400 acre area was once heavily forested timber industry land that is now providing habitat for abundant wildlife. Additionally, this conservation activity helps protect the water quality in the East Grand Lake watershed in perpetuity.

Protected acreage in this conservation area is 4400 acres.


Buffalo Trail Forest

Buffalo Trail Forest was a remarkable land donation to Sam Shine Foundation from an anonymous donor. SSF will ensure these 250 acres are not developed into a dense residential subdivision. Permanent and intermittent streams flow across the property, regionally-common karst features are present, and a diverse mix of woodlands & open spaces are present.


Mallory Swamp

Mallory Swamp is located in Mayo, Florida.
30,501 acres of swampland
Mallory Swamp was the first significant restoration project for Sam Shine Foundation (SSF). Remarkably, Mallory Swamp eventually became the largest, successful aquifer & swamp hydration project in North America.